I Am Not a Good Blogger

Perfect is the enemy of good, and good actions always beat perfect plans that have no action.
-Tucker Max

Yes, I really am not very good at running a blog, I must share that with you all.

When I began this blog in December (I think) of last year I approached it the same way I would anything else. Either I am the best or I don’t do this at all.

It is amazing how much of a perfectionist and nitpicker part of my brain can be. So when I don’t post regularly, which is usually, I find myself thinking I don’t deserve to have a blog or call myself a blogger.

It would be easy to simply drop out of the blogosphere. I mean, really, who would miss me? I get out of the blogging community what I put into it, and frankly I haven’t done much in a few months.

I did some Blogging U challenges and I found that they were a very effective way to gain an audience and be inspired and challenged to up my blog game. I even went from an all time high of 63 views per day to 215 in less than a week after starting Blogging 101!

But blogging challenges are, well, challenging and they require discipline and focus to succeed. I unfortunately am lacking in both areas.

But I keep coming back. Even when I don’t post often, when the only comments I get on my blog are from robots and spammers, I still come back to WordPress and think about it often.

Basically, I can choose two different ways of seeing my blog. I can beat myself up because I am no longer, in my terms, succeeding at being a blogger, that I’m not very good at it.

OR, I can look at what I have accomplished this far. I have kept this blog up and (semi) running for at least 10-11 months so far. Not bad for a first attempt. I have published definitely over 50 posts, answered over 100 legitimate comments, and gotten over 100 followers. It wouldn’t be fair to me or you, if you’re out there, to discount these accomplishments.

I’ve even been nominated for awards, and I participated in one as well. So what if I begin Blogging U challenges that I don’t finish? Who cares if I don’t post for weeks or months? The only one who has the ability to make me feel bad about myself is me, and today I choose not to put myself down, but to lift myself up.

So maybe I’m not a Good Blogger, but I am a blogger doing the best I can, and that’s all that matters to me. Thank you for reading. It means more than I could say.

4 thoughts on “I Am Not a Good Blogger

  1. Hey Liz 🙂

    I’m never considered myself good at writing blogs at all either but I enjoy it mostly because I want to get my story across and that’s all what matters to me. You have inspired to write a blog which is meaningful. I hope you get an opportunity to read this blog as I have mentioned you at the beginning of my post.

    Something fresh


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